Let’s Talk About It
Let’s share your story, Together
I’m Michelle, THE Podcast Matchmaker™. I believe every single one of us has the ability to change the world and we can do that by sharing our story on podcasts.
Your voice will change the world.

How To Get On Podcasts
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Podcasts allow you to share Your Story
People love to hear the stories of other people. Podcasts are the ideal platform to share your story and allow the world to get to know YOU in your own words. Michelle has worked with entrepreneurs, nonprofits, Emmy Award winners, authors, advocates, activists and many more.
Michelle believes in building genuine relationships with everyone she meets, which is why she’s THE Podcast Matchmaker™.
Michelle is an Author Advocate
As an avid reader and book lover, Michelle’s greatest treasurers are her autographed books. She created the Podcast Book Tour™ so that authors could still connect with readers regardless of their geographic location. Every book on her bookshelf is written by authors she’s worked with or interviewed.
As Seen On

My Simplified Life Podcast
Each episode covers life lessons, stories and experiences filled with humor, reality, and inspiring takeaways. Don’t miss Michelle’s podcast pitching tips as well!